Experimental Form and Color Creation

Joachim Hiller

The paintings of Joachim Hiller draw us into a whirlpool of forms and colors. When we study the works in their entirety, far more than simple geometry takes shape. Topographical structures, layered elements of nature, light and materiality. All are captured on the canvas. The smallest work exhibited here is a composition reminiscent of a mountain range. To the left, a dense forest of colliding forms remind us of a cityscape.

Hiller, who was born in 1933, only had his first exhibition in 2006 after decades of faithful devotion to his practice. He asserts that he does not depict nature, but rather “paints like nature”. His works are inspired by organic processes and sprout from superimposition. Intensive experimentation with color and light culminates in a varied opus where precise constructions are revealed among flowing gradients. Hiller dials in on microscopic structures in one place and zooms out to the extreme in another creating a quasi-satellite image. In the works you see here, he manages to focus his attention exclusively on the elemental composition of the natural world while maintaining an abstract character.

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